Can you imagine?
Teachers in Greefield Distrcit (California) are working under the poorest conditions. No books, no access to the latest technology, not enough electrical outlets in the district's 'newest' school and these men and women are expected to produce the best students in the district!
Sounds like the Board members like the way it sounds to say "Failure is Not an Option" or enjoy the ability to gloat when test scores rise.
How is it that failure isn't an option for the students and teachers but the failure of the School Board to provide adequate resources and material is acceptable?
Greenfield Union School District has planted an apple seed and expecting an orange crop. But kudos to the teachers who, year after year have remained faithfully committed to the success of their students.
I think these are these are the areas in our society that TRULY are worthy of a bail-out!
All about-"failure is not an option"